I took the photo below to submit to a Belgian photographic site called Nos regards. My blog friend Eurodog told me about it and we both submitted our smiling faces to illustrate a theme called Sourires, or smiles, last month. This month the theme is Musique en Fête and this was one of the few musicians at Granville Island last Thursday, no doubt due to the rain. Check out the Nos regards site as the photos are amazing, most are very professional while I’m just having fun. You are not supposed to edit the photo although I probably should have trimmed this one.

Don’t you love him, sitting there among the garbage cans and recycling bin, playing his violin, with his CDs on offer? I threw a couple of dollars into his case and told him I was submitting this to a photographic site in Belgium and he gave me his card. Buskers with business cards? May I present Paul Gitlitz, producer, engineer, composer, musician with his own website at glitchless.net

By the way, if you missed it, world renowned violinist Joshua Bell tried busking at a Metro station in Washington DC earlier this year with very interesting results. You can read about it here, in the Washington Post.